Wednesday, 25 February 2009


I've been thinking a lot about lent lately. What to give up. Thats the question. There's an infinate list of things I could give up. Everything from straighteners to tea. But there are so many reasons not to do these things.
  • Tea: Tea is my basic fuel for living, without tea I would a) be a complete dragon b) wouldn't function correctly and c) probably die.
  • Straighteners: Sure I COULD live without them I guess and it'd probably do my hair a world of good. But really. I can't look a mess for six weeks. I'm far to vain.
  • Alchohol: I've already given up. So technically it'd be cheating.
  • Crappy junk food: Lets face it, I'd never eat. :/
  • Sex: Well I'm not getting any of that anyway so that'd also be cheating.
  • Fags: Really for the better part I've cut that out too so again, cheating.
  • Pool: I'd actually commit suicide.
  • Pub: Just because I sit in the pub and don't drink doesn't mean I could live without the socialness.
  • Hair Product: Really. Just no.
  • Women: Like I could if I tried.
  • My favourate jeans: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
So as you can see. I'm incapible of cutting anything out of my life. I could try giving up wanking, but lets face it I'd end up raping someone.

1 comment:

  1. i've never done lent before, but this year my sister and i are both doing it.

    i've decided to give up junk food (as much as i love it), for several reasons:

    - grad is coming up and i want my dress to fit.
    - i want to impress someone the next time i see them (i'm vain too)
    - I want to get in shape and exerise more, and this might be the motivation to do that.

    see? i'm sure you could come up with reasons to give up most of the things on your list.

    good luck :)
