Sunday, 15 February 2009

Guilty Pleasures

Alongside piercings, one of my many many loves/adoration's/infatuations/past times/interests, is food. The key to my heart is through my stomach. Line my tum with something sweet, delicious, hearty, filling or comforting and I am yours. Completely.
Good food is priceless. I've always thought, good food could heal any emotional wound. Fortunately I am a rake, being roughly 10 and a half stone, and roughly 5 ft 8. My love for food could defeat the evil in this world. Mostly because its not gluttony, its just pure enjoyment.
I never over eat, because that would defeat the purpose of food. But I eat well and look after myself. There are several things I don't do:
  • Mushrooms/Fish
  • Squishy Bacon
  • Runny eggs
  • Cheese on meat.
  • Pasta - but I will eat it if I have to.
Bacon must be crispy. Eggs must be scrambled or easy over when cooked and cheese must NEVER EVER be put on meat, in any shape or form, pasta, chilli, tacos, never ever. It is like. blasphemy. Deserts are paramount. Fruit and lots of cream, the fluffy kind, doubled over itself thats sweet and guaranteed to clog your arteries. But tastes so good. Oh yes, that would be heaven.
Its true, food is one of my many weaknesses, alongside women, creativity, tea, technology, piercings and random phone calls just-because-you-were-thinking-of-me.

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