Sunday, 22 February 2009

Hell is other people

Letting go is the most dangerous of all adventures. Because it involves dropping your heart and seeing if someone else catches it before it smashes on the floor.
Its one of the most soul destroying things you can imagine doing. Because love is a double edged sword, it gives you heaven and it cuts you to pieces at the same time. Love is pretty much knowing your going to get hurt one way or another.
I think its just having the strength to accept any pain that happens and accepting someone inside, knowing there gonna be like a bull in a china shop.
There's no real answer, just a series of observations. Don't look for it. Keep your eyes on the clouds and you'll trip over it if its meant to be. - Jimmy Hyde.

Sometimes I should really listen to my own advice, my own philosophies. I really lack the capacity to take my drink. I'll throw my hands up and admit I drank last night and found myself back in that miserable erratic place.
I think I really am going to stay away from it now. I might've put all of the pain far away from me to get away from it but it doesn't stop it hurting. I spend so many hours in a day with things going over and over in my head. Sometimes I can hear my own voice echoing in my head and I can see it happening in slow motion. And I wish so hard it will go away. I know what I want and I wish I could stop wanting it. There's sense and reason: You deserve better blah balh blah. I've done nothing to no one. What did I do that was so wrong?
Hell is other people.
I know what I want. Because I held it in my hands all that week. Funny thing is, I said this to a mate at college, and her response was 'aww that's really sweet.' Wasn't enough for her though was it?


  1. your philosophy is one of the hardest things i struggle with. letting go, even when i know i am most likely going to get hurt.
    why do it then? is it really worth the pain?

    usually the answer is no.
    but its like the lottery. once in a million you finally get it right

  2. Other people are... difficult. There's no denying it. But I've found that the true hell is yourself.

    And when you get it right with other people... well that's heaven :)

  3. Its always worth something if you learn something about yourself from it. They say pain is character building.
    I've come to the conclusion that I am an emotional shambles - hence why people completely and utterly confuse me. I agree, some people when its just right are heaven. But when its not I'd rather be by myself. :/
