Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Fuck you. Fuck you very very much.

Lily Allen is currently a legend in my world.
Sure she was a legend already swimming topless all over the place. But more so currently. The new album, 'its not me, its you.' is decent. Very decent. 'I could say' is very amazing to me. Its very of the 'now' if you get my meaning.
I'm a little too obsessed with music. And for a while I've been thinking of getting hold of Lily Allen again and giving her a real good listen to. So I'm doing just that and I'm a little in love with this affair.
I miss a few of my far away friends today. Just because they'd both make it all better and fix it all. With one I'd go see a film, we'd share a McDonalds, drive around in his car, have a laugh, talk and it'd be alright. With the other we'd more then likely stay in, watch films, cuddle and not need to say a word cos it wouldn't be needed. And both of them have this quality no one else has, of just making it all alright. No need to worry.
But lately I'm being very good, I'm not worried in the slightest. I haven't wound myself up for a while and I'm okay. I'm liking seeing a few different faces too, its nice to have variation and not do the same every night. Its nice, its a bit brighter lately, not so doom and gloom. I do love the sunshine.
I'd like to stay on this little manic trip I've got going on here. I've let go of the problem that big thing that was just causing my emotion to fester and bubble like a catalyst. I just need to get through college and then I'm free of education. Then I can really start living.

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